A phobia is a specific, intense fear that a person tries to avoid, even if it causes regular disruptions in their life. Some examples of phobias are fears of heights, certain animals, flying, confined spaces, blood, driving, elevators, vomiting, water, and the list goes on and on. Interestingly, the most common fear in the population is a fear of snakes (70–75%), even though many people have never been exposed to snakes. If they cannot fully avoid the situation, they will take significant measures to reduce their anxiety (like listening to music and closing your eyes when riding an elevator; see safety behaviors and minor avoidance). Many people recognize their level of fear is unfounded, but regardless, they are highly distressed when confronted with their fear, and this can lead to anxiety attacks.
We combine deep clinical expertise with a commitment to delivering clear, actionable results quickly. Our team’s experience, empathy, and dedication to individualized care have made us a trusted partner for families, schools, and professionals across the NY Metro Area. We take on a limited number of clients at a time to ensure focus and speed of report delivery.